Mike Jones is the 1998 International Auctioneer Champion (IAC) and 1995 Texas State Champion Auctioneer. Mike Jones also operates two Auctioneer Training Schools, America’s Auction Academy (formerly Texas Auction Academy) in Dallas, Texas and World Wide College of Auctioneering located in Mason City, Iowa.
He is a 2012 National Auctioneers Assn. Hall of Fame inductee and served as the 2004-05 National Auctioneers Association President. He is a 2004 Texas Auctioneers Assn. Hall of Fame inductee and past president. Mr. Jones was awarded the Benefit Auctioneer Specialist (BAS) designation by the National Auctioneers Association. Mr. Jones has trained over 3000 auctioneers. He is also considered a Subject Matter Expert (SME) by the State of Texas and PSI Testing Company.